Obituary Searching

To search for obituaries in our online catalog, please follow the instructions below. We also have a separate index of obituaries from 1898, 1899, 1900-1960, 2015 available on our website, as well as a list of “problem obituaries” that do not display properly in our online catalog.

**Note: If you look up an obituary in our online catalog and don’t see a date, click on this index to see if the person you’re looking for is listed here. For assistance, please call our Adult services desk at 607-733-9173 x4.**

Step 1: To search for Obituaries, enter the last name, first name in the search form at the bottom of this page. Example: smith, john

Step 2:  To view the record, click on the name of the person you are searching for.

Step 3: The date of death / date of the obituary should be listed under “General Note”.

Search Form

To search for obituaries, enter the last name, first name.
Example: smith, john